Metal Shadows

Vault Of Horrors (2024)
Full Album
Track List
01. Dreadbringer (fear. Ben Duerr) 00:00
02. Condemned To Rot (feat. Francesco Paoli) 05:30
03. Brotherhood of Sleep (feat. Johnny Ciardullo) 08:26
04. Death Cult (feat. Alex Erian) 12:22
05. Hellbound (feat. Matt McGachy) 16:01
06. Insect Politics (feat. Jason Evans) 20:50
07. The Golgothan (feat. Hal Microutsicos) 22:33
08. The Shape Of Hate (feat. Oliver Rae Aleron) 26:52
09. Naturom Demonto (feat. David Simonich) 31:12
10. Malevolent Haze (feat. Ricky Hoover) 35:15